An Ecological Mexican American Chica:
Doing all she can to live sustainably in body, soul, and on this planet earth.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Helping People Fix Bikes: Ramon Martinez Brings a New Bike Co-Op to Austin

Ramon Martinez, founder of Bici Lbre in Los Angeles
and HOPE Likes Bikes in Austin
Sometimes, you have to leave Austin to re-discover Austin. Last week, I flew back to Los Angeles for my little sister’s college graduation. (My own graduation happened fourteen years ago.) Even though the San Gabriel Valley, just east of the city, brings up stark visions of thick smog, stucco strip malls, and tangles of freeway overpasses, I was looking forward to a few days off and cooking by Mom.

My first day there, I had plans to hang out with my brother. I met him at Bici Libre in downtown Los Angeles, where he volunteers as a bike mechanic. Bici Libre is a community bike workshop space (or bike co-op) – with the help of volunteers they fix bikes and teach people how to fix their own, for a suggested donation.

Bici Libre also reclaims abandoned bicycles and redistributes them, as well as provides education workshops, to underserved communities throughout the L.A. County. This non-profit organization is a project of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC).

Read the rest of the article in Latinometro.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks goodness for people like him. I remember when my bike broke on a deserted road, just as my cellphone died. I have since purchased a rechargeable power pack for situations like that.
